How To Leverage Organic Marketing Strategies To Build Your Business Without Spending Money On Google

Enhance your SEO with these simple tips

One of the most common questions that a digital marketing agency will be asked is, “how can I get more traffic to my website?”.
The answer the client receives will normally be, “through paid Google or Facebook advertising”.
We’re here to tell you that this doesn’t always need to be the case and in today’s article we will explain how you can leverage organic marketing strategies to improve the traffic your website receives TODAY.

What tools will I need?

Assuming you’ve already set up your website and it has been running for some time, we need to ensure your business is connected and verified through Google Search Console.
Google Search Console will, in the early stages of your website, help you get noticed by Google and allow your business to enter into Google’s SERP results (for major coverage we would also recommend signing up to Bing Webmaster Tools).
Google Search Console will help you analyse the performance of certain keywords and phrases in order to identify areas of strong performance for your website.

Okay, Search Console is up and running, how do I analyse my performance?

Let’s take a look at Oak Avenue Marketing’s standing and the keywords we leverage in order to stay on top of the competition.
Working in the Digital Marketing field in Sydney is a pretty difficult task for a number of reasons. Firstly, Sydney is Australia’s biggest city, meaning the key figures of the industry are leveraging business here. Secondly, we’re competing against other Sydney based Digital Marketers. These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, and to be on top, you need to know your stuff.
After cycling to and clicking on “Performance” in the left-hand column, we can see the list of Keywords that are linking through to Pages on
You can choose to sort these keywords based on “Clicks” or “Impressions”. We choose to use “Impressions”, as we want our content to be seen by as many people as possible*.
We can now see that we’re generating quite a lot of impressions for the following keywords: “digital marketing packages Sydney”, Adwords agency Sydney”, “digital marketing agency Sydney”, “digital marketing advertising”. These keywords/phrases are generating the majority of Oak Avenue Marketing’s website clicks and impressions. But does that mean we can do better? You bet we can.
Now that we know a few of our most profitable keywords, we want to double down and ensure that we’re making our way to the first page of the SERP as quickly as possible. How do I take action on my best keywords?
So glad you asked!
Still within Search Console, click on the keyword/phrase(s) that you want to utilise. This will open up a new tab which is solely focused on that individual phrase. You will see down the bottom of the page that you can sort via “Pages”. Click on this tab to open it. You can now see the exact pages of your website that are being triggered by the Google Search Algorithm when users search for that phrase/keyword.
This tells us one of two things.
  1. We need to take our keywords “digital marketing packages Sydney”, Adwords agency Sydney”, “digital marketing agency Sydney”, “digital marketing advertising” (as well as any long-tail keywords that can be derived) and apply them in greater detail across the pages that are listed in Google Search Console. Importantly, make sure to implement them in a way which only furthers the value of the information for the user. This is an element of SERP that Google takes very seriously.
  2. We need to add these keywords to any pages in which they are relevant, as well as creating new pages or blogs that incorporate these keywords, ensure that they provide value to our readers.
If you begin implementation of the steps listed above, within 30-60 days you should start to see a rise in the “Average Position” and “Current Position” of your website when your key search terms are activated.
*side note: using the formula, “clicks/impressions = x” will help you find out how strong your click through rate [CTR] is for each keyword.
