How to Create Your Content Schedule

I get it, we’re all extremely busy. We have clients to look after, jobs which pile up on each other, we must manage our staff and still produce high-level content that people want to consume. It is extremely difficult to both stay focused and maintain those levels. When we first began our Sydney digital marketing agency, we set out with a ton of awesome blog ideas that we needed to create to help us rank and get viewers to our site. As we gained more clients it became harder and harder to stay motivated to produce that content which is so necessary to the progression of the business. As a result, we have decided to list a couple of the ways that have made it possible for us to continue to produce content on a regular basis!

1. Schedule, schedule, schedule.

The number one tip I can give you for sticking to your content outline is to schedule as much of your content in advance as possible. Set aside times where you just make sure all your content is triggered to go to all the right places. Make use of your tools such as Hootsuite, Facebook’s scheduling system and YouTube’s upload system. The less time you spent getting your content online the more time that can be spent planning and creating the content.

2. Allocate your time efficiently

Our digital marketing agency in Sydney allocates specifics blocks of time each week where we try to brainstorm and create high-level content ideas that will resonate with our viewers. These content ideas are set out in a storyboard format and are placed into blocks of time such as Tuesday 2-3pm where the content takes full priority that week.

3. Create the content you enjoy making

There is nothing worse than watching someone drone on about something they clearly have no interest in. When you head to the content drawing board, ask yourself what would excite you to create. If you create relevant content that excites you and distributes it effectively you will draw in the right target audience! Ultimately, making the content that appeals to you will show and increase your motivation. If you try and make content for people that don’t like the content you wish to create, you may end up miserable and demotivated.
These three points should help you create and stay on top of your content. Remember, it is all about creating relevant content that you enjoy and allotting time specifically for both brainstorming the content each week as well as creating it. Create something that you are passionate about and you can’t go wrong.

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Oak Avenue Marketing is a Sydney digital marketing agency. We specialise in online advertising, SEO, digital branding and strategy, as well as business building and positioning.

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